About the Journal

Guidelines to the author(s)
The authors should submit their manuscripts according to the details given below.
Format of the Manuscripts: Manuscripts in English must be in Microsoft word format and articles in Malayalam in Adobe PageMaker Format. Along with the manuscripts, authors should upload their blinded manuscripts in pdf format too.
The File name should consist of the following:- date of submission followed by an underscore with corresponding author's name". for example if submission date falls  on 16th September 2024 and corresponding author's name is john, then file name  will be as follows 20240916_john
The length of the Manuscript can be from 3000 words and not beyond 6000 words. If it goes beyond 6000, the editorial board of the journal has the right to decide depending on the manuscripts.
Fonts of  the Manuscripts:  the font of the manuscripts in English should be in times new roman and manuscripts in Malayalam should be in ML-revathi.

Format of the manuscripts:

The manuscripts consists of the following frame work
1. Title of the Article (centre alignment)
2. Name of the author (in case more than one author, author's name should be entered separately in ascending order) (centre alignment).
3. Abstract in 150  words.
4. Five Keywords.
5. The text should consist of an introduction followed by contents and conclusion.
6. Documentation should be in the form of endnotes (Citations in APA format).
7. References  in APA format.
8. Name of the first author with designation. It should follow institutional / address for communication, country name, pin/zip code, number to contact with country code, email id, ORCID. All these details should be aligned right.
9. The same format should be followed in case of second and third authors. Each author's entry is separated with the symbol "&". (right alignment)
10.The pdf submitted should be without entry number 2, 8 and 9 (authors name and address) for facilitating blind review.
11.In case of manuscript with chart, it should be part of the content. The maximum size of the chart should be 10x17cm.
12.Multi colours are  not allowed except black and white.
13.Images are not encouraged due to copyright issues.
14.Font size: title in 14, citations and references in 10, and the rest in 11 font size.
15.The authors who submit their articles in Malayalam should also add title, author's name, author's address with phone number and email id, ORCID, key words, abstract and Reference in English too.
16.All correspondence to email: ishalpaithrukam@gmail.com.

Mahakavi Moyinkutty Vaidyar Mappila Kala Academy publishes Ishal Paithrkam, a reputable academic journal. There are no fees payable to submit to or publish in this journal. A panel of expert professors selected by the academy undertakes the review process as a service in a meticulous manner. The editor will perform a preliminary screening of the research articles before checking them for plagiarism. Only those articles that have the approval of the editor and show no plagiarism are recommended for the third stage of rigorous blind referring. It may be informed that the entire process may take 3-6 months, so the contributors are requested not to send the same article to another journal during this time. Those who find it difficult to wait are requested to abstain from sending their research articles to this journal.

Special issue
The policy of the special issue is as same as in the case of regular issue. The topic of the special issue will be published on the website at the time of the call for article. In all other matters such as open access policy, Revenue Sources, author fees, statement of peer review policies, statement of publication ethics, duties of all team of ishal paithkam journal, duties of authors and authorship, the policy of the journal towards special and regular issue will remain the same. Information will be given on the website about the guest editor for each issue. 

Call for Article.
No deadline set for sending article to regular issue. Authors are free to submit their article any time. The review of the article received will be done on first come first basis. The date of submission and topic of the special issue will be given on the website. Due to overload of the pending manuscripts, the OJS designed to access article submissions only 1st to 5th of all months.